Privacy Notice

HOTEL CAMINO MAGICO S.A. DE C.V., operating as Nukari Quinta Boutique (from now on "Nukari," "we," or "our"), located at Allende #22, Col. Centro. Jala, Nayarit. C.P. 63890, in its capacity as the responsible party under the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (LFPDPPP), through this Privacy Notice, informs you about how, with your prior consent, the processing (collection, use, disclosure, or storage) of the personal data of users (the "Data Subjects") of the website and/or Nukari Quinta Boutique (from now on referred to as the website) will be carried out.

This Privacy Notice contains the following terms and conditions:

I.- Personal Data of Users that Will Be Processed by Nukari.

At Nukari, we require obtaining and processing the following personal data from you as the Data Subject (User or customer of the website and/or Nukari Quinta Boutique):

  • Identification and contact information on the website: name, email address, age, phone number, mobile phone number, and country. Your image (photograph) will only be used if you share it through the Nukari Quinta Boutique Instagram account.
  • Financial data: If you make a reservation through our website, you will be asked to identify the payment method: a credit or debit card. Additionally, you will be asked for the card number, the name of the cardholder, the card's expiration date, and the security code.

Personal data may be collected when the Data Subject (User of the Nukari Quinta Boutique website) requests a reservation through the aforementioned website, browses it, or provides it for the purposes outlined below.

II.- Purposes.

The personal data of the Data Subject is processed by Nukari in its capacity as the Responsible Party to carry out the following primary purposes:

  • To make accommodation reservations at Nukari Quinta Boutique.
  • To send confirmation and information to manage your reservation and other important travel information.
  • Send an email invitation if you left your reservation incomplete.
  • To provide the User with services and/or products that comply with and maintain our legal relationship with them.
  • To carry out the billing for your reservation.
  • We are writing to respond to your contact request regarding our products and services via the Nukari Quinta Boutique website.

Secondary Purposes:

Additionally, we will use your personal information for the following purposes, which are not necessary for the provision of the requested services and/or products and the maintenance and compliance of our legal relationship with the User but help us provide better service:

  • To send you information about discounts and website updates.
  • To offer you other products or services that may interest users or customers.
  • To carry out marketing, advertising, or commercial prospecting activities.
  • Send our newsletter so the data subject knows about our promotions and events.
  • To connect you with Instagram so that you can share information (photographs and/or comments) about your vacation at Nukari Quinta Boutique on the nukariquintaboutique account.
  • To connect you with social networks where you can access Nukari Quinta Boutique accounts, particularly Facebook, Instagram, and Tripadvisor.

If you do not wish your Personal Information to be processed for these purposes, please indicate so by emailing Refusal to use your Personal Information for secondary purposes will not be a reason to deny you the services and products you contract or request from us.

III.- Data Subject Consent.

The Data Subject (User of the website acknowledges that the Responsible Party has made this Privacy Notice available for their knowledge. If the Data Subject disagrees with the processing that the Responsible Party will give to their data under the terms of this Privacy Notice, they may deny their consent at any time by refusing to provide us with their data when required or through the options and mechanisms implemented and established in this Privacy Notice.

Since obtaining and processing your Personal Information is to fulfill obligations derived from the legal relationship between you (User) and Nukari as the responsible party, your consent for processing is not necessary, in terms of Article 10 section IV of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

The Data Subject's consent may be revoked by them without retroactive effects under the terms and procedures established later in this Privacy Notice.

‍IV.- Transfers of Personal Data Made by Nukari.

Nukari informs you that under section VII of article 37 of the LFPDPPP, by providing us with your data, you agree that they may be transferred and processed by people or companies that are part of the same commercial group as Nukari, as well as other companies in the same sector as the responsible party of tourism services to maintain and comply with the legal relationship between you (User) and Nukari, to comply with Nukari's legal obligations, and/or by a contract entered into in the interest of the Data Subject by the responsible party. Additionally, the following transfers will also be carried out without requiring your consent:

  • To financial institutions for the payment of your contractual obligations with Nukari.
  • To federal and local authorities to comply with our legal obligations.
  • To any other company within the same business group to which Nukari belongs, operating with the same processes and internal policies, whether in national or foreign territory, for processing to fulfill the purposes stated in this privacy notice, and which under the LFPDPPP does not require your consent.

If processing your data under any other exceptions provided in Article 37 of the LFPDPPP is required by law, such transfers will be made strictly under the terms of the LFPDPPP.

V.- Privacy Office.

If you want to communicate with us about our Privacy Notice, you must send your request electronically to the Customer Service area, which acts as our Privacy Office. It is located at Allende #22, Col. Centro. Jala, Nayarit. C.P. 63890, Mexico, phone number +52 311 980 0641, is available 24/7 from Monday to Sunday.

‍VI.- Rights Related to Your Personal Information.

‍Procedure to Exercise ARCO Rights: As the Data Subject (User of the website or through your representative, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition (ARCO rights) with the responsible party. This means you can access the data that you have authorized us to process, rectify your personal information if it is inaccurate or incomplete, and request the Responsible Party to cancel your data if you believe it is not being treated according to the principles and duties established by the LFPDPPP and its regulations or oppose the processing of your data for specific purposes.

Nukari has implemented a mechanism for exercising these rights, which involves submitting a request to exercise ARCO rights to our Privacy Office during the specified hours or sending your request to the email address

To address your request, it must contain the following information:

  • The name, address, and/or email address of the data subject will be used to communicate the response to your request.
  • Documents proving the identity (voter I.D., passport, professional license, or document proving your legal residence in the country) in photocopy, or, if applicable, the legal representation of the Data Subject (a simple copy in printed or electronic format of the power of attorney signed by the Data Subject, the agent, and their corresponding official identifications).
  • Please clearly and precisely describe the personal data you seek to exercise any of the aforementioned rights.
  • Any other element or document that facilitates locating your data.

If you request to rectify your data, you must also indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation supporting your request.

In terms of the LFPDPPP, Nukari has a maximum period of twenty business days from the date the ARCO rights request is received to inform the Data Subject of the determination made; if applicable, it will be effective within fifteen business days following the date the response is communicated to the Data Subject. The periods above may be extended only once for an equal period.

Regarding requests for access to personal data, the Responsible Party will proceed with delivery upon verifying the identity of the applicant or their legal representative through the issuance of simple copies or electronic documents. The delivery of personal information will be free of charge, except for shipping costs or reproduction costs. If the Data Subject reiterates their access request within less than twelve months, they must cover the equivalent costs under the LFPDPPP.

For requests to cancel personal data, in addition to what is stated in this Privacy Notice, the provisions of Article 26 of the LFPDPPP, including the exceptions to the cancellation of personal data stated there, will apply.

VII.- Revocation, Limitation of Use, or Disclosure of Your Data.

You can revoke the consent you gave us for processing your data at any time, so we will stop using them, except for the cases established in Article 10 of the LFPDPPP. To do this, you must provide the information indicated in points 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the previous section VIII to our Privacy Office via email:

Nukari will address your request within a maximum of ten business days following the receipt of your revocation request and will inform you of its validity by emailing the address you specified in your request.

We offer you the possibility to limit the use or disclosure of your data through the following means:

  • Send an e-mail to the following address,, to be registered in the corresponding exclusion list.
  • You may also limit such use or disclosure by sending a letter to the address indicated.

VIII.- Use of Cookies and Web Beacons

‍Through our website, we use cookies and other technologies to achieve the following:

Technical cookies: If you have created an account with us, these will be used for managing the registration process and general administration, and to remember your preferences when you have logged out; to remember if you are subscribed to the mailing list, and if the User wants to show certain notifications valid for subscribed or non-subscribed Users; to monitor your behavior as an Internet User; to provide you with better service and User experience while browsing our page, generate profiles, cross data, conduct commercial prospecting, and offer you new products and services based on your preferences; if the User participates in a survey or applied questionnaires, to provide you with information of interest, to remember which User already participated; to remember the User data provided through forms, such as "contact", "comments", or "guest data", incomplete reservations - selected room, selected date, name, and email address - to send a reminder email to complete the reservation, as well as to locate the attempted reservation; to remember User data for future correspondence.

Preference or personalization cookies: These cookies identify the information provided by the User, modals, and promotions displayed during the User's navigation—what type of promotions and how many times the modal was displayed; language. They are intended to collect site traffic and how users navigate it to improve the website—location, I.P., visited URLs, browsing time, clicks, device, and search engine.

Behavioral advertising cookies: These collect information on activities on other sites, interests, browsing habits, and websites accessed before ours, measure advertisement performance statistics, track cookies for immediate impacts, and audience creation.

Third-party cookies: We inform you that your data obtained through these technologies will be shared with the following people, companies, and organizations other than Nukari for the following purposes:

Recipient of personal data Purpose(s)
Google Analytics Analysis of how the User uses this site, how the User's experience can be improved, the time the User spends on the site, and the pages the User visits to generate content of interest to the User.
Google AdSense To publish relevant advertisements throughout the website and limit the number of times a given advertisement is shown to the User.
Facebook Enhance your profile on their site or contribute to the data they contain by their privacy policies.
Cloudbeds This is for the functionality of the booking engine when visiting Nukari Quinta Boutique.

If you wish to reject cookies or accept them selectively, you can adjust your browser preferences (access "Help" to learn how to do this). However, we warn you that disabling cookies necessary for technical reasons to operate our website will cause problems when you navigate it.

For more information about using these technologies, you can consult this site's cookie policy at,, the official Google Analytics page, the official Google AdSense privacy FAQ, or

‍IX.- Changes to the Privacy Notice.

Nukari reserves the right to periodically update this Privacy Notice with changes in our data protection policies, legislative developments, best practices, or requirements for providing our services and products. Any modifications to this Privacy Notice will be published on our website Therefore, you can frequently check our Privacy Notice to stay updated on its terms and conditions.

X.- National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information, and
Personal Data Protection (INAI).

If the owner of the personal data believes their right to personal data protection has been violated by improper handling, they may file a complaint or report with the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (INAI). For more information, visit

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